Covid-19 Pandemic Update

October 10, 2020


My mission is helping people get through difficult times and these are difficult times for all of us. We are in times of anxiety producing  MYSTERY, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT—deep MUD.  many of the things that help us feel good: group exercise, live cultural events, dining out, and socializing with friends and family are much less available to us.  Our routines are disrupted, plans are changed, happily anticipated trips and celebrations are canceled.  Many are also experiencing economic insecurity as several industries are suffering great losses. Millions have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and thousands have become seriously ill and many have died.  

Therapy is very important during this time. It is not unusual to be filled with fear and confusion about how to respond reasonably and responsibly to circumstances none of us has seen before.

Fortunately, I like many other psychotherapists, are making their services available via various forms of teletherapy. Insurance companies have approved reimbursement for such mental health services provided to their members so that people don’t have to risk their physical health to attend to their mental health. Instead of making a trip to your therapist’s office you can “see” your therapist from the safe comfort of your own home. 

Attending to your mental health with the help of a psychotherapist can help you make a path forward through the MUD of this most challenging time.

Please be sure to practice all the recommended preventive measures, such as wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth, maintaining physical distance from others, frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer to reduce the spread. 

The most up to date information about Covid-19 is available on the World Health Organization’s coronavirus page HERE.